Cloudways Hosting Review

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Cloudways, founded in 2011, is a managed cloud hosting provider offering a platform that lets you choose your preferred cloud infrastructure (DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, or Google Cloud) and then manages it for you.

Think of it as a user-friendly control panel that sits on top of these powerful cloud servers, making them accessible even to non-technical users.

With headquarters in Malta and a remote-first culture, Cloudways boasts a global team spread across 50+ countries.


  • Choice of Cloud Providers: As mentioned, you get to pick your cloud server from leading providers, giving you flexibility and control over your hosting environment.
  • One-Click App Installations: WordPress, Magento, Drupal, and many other popular applications can be installed with a single click, saving you time and effort.
  • Staging Environments: Test new changes and updates on a replica of your website before deploying them to your live site, minimizing risks and downtime.
  • Built-in Security: Automatic SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular vulnerability scanning keep your website secure.
  • Advanced Server Management: Fine-tune your server settings for optimal performance, including PHP versions, server resources, and caching mechanisms.

Pros & Cons:


  • Ease of use: Even beginners can manage their cloud servers with Cloudways’ intuitive interface.
  • Performance: Cloudways’ platform is optimized for speed and reliability, often outperforming traditional shared hosting.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your resources up or down as your website’s traffic and needs grow.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: You only pay for the resources you use, making it cost-effective for small websites.
  • Excellent customer support: Cloudways offers 24/7 live chat and email support from knowledgeable representatives.


  • Higher cost than shared hosting: While still affordable, Cloudways can be more expensive than basic shared hosting plans.
  • Limited server customization: Compared to managing your own cloud server, Cloudways offers less control over server settings.
  • Learning curve for beginners: While user-friendly, some technical knowledge is helpful to navigate the platform’s full potential.


Cloudways’ platform is built for speed, utilizing SSD storage, caching mechanisms, and a global network of data centers. Benchmark tests consistently show Cloudways outperforming most shared hosting providers, delivering faster loading times and improved website responsiveness.

Price Details:

Cloudways offers a variety of pricing plans based on the cloud provider you choose and the server resources you need. Plans start at $10 per month for a basic DigitalOcean server and can scale up to thousands of dollars for high-performance setups. You can find a detailed breakdown of their pricing on their website.

Best For:

Cloudways is ideal for:

  • Websites with outgrowing shared hosting: If your website is experiencing traffic spikes or resource limitations on shared hosting, Cloudways offers a scalable and performant solution.
  • E-commerce stores: Fast loading times and reliable uptime are crucial for online stores, and Cloudways excels in these areas.
  • WordPress websites: Cloudways offers WordPress-specific features like one-click installation, staging environments, and a WordPress optimization plugin.
  • Developers and agencies: Cloudways’ flexibility and control over server settings appeal to developers and agencies managing multiple websites.


Cloudways offers 24/7 live chat and email support from a team of knowledgeable representatives. They also have a comprehensive knowledge base and video tutorials to help you troubleshoot any issues.


Cloudways is a powerful and user-friendly managed cloud hosting platform that makes it easy to leverage the scalability and performance of cloud infrastructure. While it may cost slightly more than basic shared hosting, the improved speed, reliability, and control make it a worthwhile investment for growing websites and demanding applications. If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to migrate your website to the cloud and take your online presence to the next level, Cloudways is definitely worth considering.

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

I hope this comprehensive review helps you decide if Cloudways is the right hosting provider for you!

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