HTML Cheat Sheet

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HTML is the foundation of any website and learning it can lead you to become a proficient web developer. But sometimes, you may forget some HTML tags and their attributes, and it can slow down your workflow.

The HTML image tag (<img>) is used to display an image on a webpage. It allows you to enhance the visual appeal and provide additional context to your content.


<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image">


Basic Image:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image">

Image with Width and Height:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image" width="300" height="200">

Responsive Image:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image" style="max-width: 100%;">

Image with Caption:


 <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image">

 <figcaption>Caption for the image</figcaption>


Linked Image:

<a href="">

 <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image">


Image with Alternative Text:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Alternate text when image fails to load">

Use Descriptive Alt Text

Provide alternative text that describes the image for accessibility and search engine optimization.

Specify Image Dimensions

Set the width and height attributes to ensure proper layout and reduce page load time.

Use Responsive Images:

Utilize CSS or the style attribute to make images adjust dynamically based on screen size.

Image Optimization:

Optimize your images by compressing their file size without compromising quality.

Linked Images:

Wrap the image tag with an anchor tag to make the image clickable and link to another webpage.

Captions for Images:

Use the figure and figcaption tags to add captions or descriptions to your images.

Image Formats:

Choose the appropriate image format (JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG) based on the type of image and desired quality.

This HTML Cheatsheet includes all the essential HTML tags and their attributes that you will need to create a website from scratch.


Here are the some more tags  for referenece.

Basic Tags

<html> </html>

Creates an HTML document

<head> </head>

Sets off the title & other info that isn’t displayed

<body> </body>

Sets off the visible portion of the document

<title> </title>

Puts name of the document in the title bar; when

bookmarking pages, this is what is bookmarked

Body attributes (only used in email newsletters)

<body bgcolor=?>

Sets background color, using name or hex value

<body text=?>

Sets text color, using name or hex value

<body link=?>

Sets color of links, using name or hex value

<body vlink=?>

Sets color of visited links, using name or hex value

<body alink=?>

Sets color of active links (while mouse-clicking)

Text Tags

<pre> </pre>

Creates preformatted text

<h1> </h1> --> <h6> </h6>

Creates headlines — H1=largest, H6=smallest

<b> </b>

Creates bold text (should use <strong> instead)

<i> </i>

Creates italicized text (should use <em> instead)

<tt> </tt>

Creates typewriter-style text

<code> </code>

Used to define source code, usually monospace

<cite> </cite>

Creates a citation, usually processed in italics

<address> </address>

Creates address section, usually processed in italics

<em> </em>

Emphasizes a word (usually processed in italics)

<strong> </strong>

Emphasizes a word (usually processed in bold)

<font size=?> </font>

Sets size of font – 1 to 7 (should use CSS instead)

<font color=?> </font>

Sets font color (should use CSS instead)

<font face=?> </font>

Defines the font used (should use CSS instead)


<a href="URL">clickable text</a>

Creates a hyperlink to a Uniform Resource Locator

<a href="mailto:EMAIL_ADDRESS">clickable text</a>

Creates a hyperlink to an email address

<a name="NAME">

Creates a target location within a document

<a href="#NAME">clickable text</a>

Creates a link to that target location


<p> </p>

Creates a new paragraph


A Inserts a line break (carriage return)

<blockquote> </blockquote>

Puts content in a quote – indents text from both sides

<div> </div>

Used to format block content with CSS

<span> </span>

Used to format inline content with CSS


<ul> </ul>

Creates an unordered list

<ol start=?> </ol>

Creates an ordered list (start=xx,

where xx is a counting number)

<li> </li>

Encompasses each list item

<dl> </dl>

Creates a definition list


 Precedes eachdefintion term


 Precedes each defintion

 Graphical elements


Inserts a horizontal rule

<hr size=?>

Sets size (height) of horizontal rule

<hr width=?>

Sets width of rule (as a % or absolute pixel length)

<hr noshade>

Creates a horizontal rule without a shadow

<img src="URL" />

Adds image; it is a separate file located at the URL

<img src="URL" align=?>

Aligns image left/right/center/bottom/top/middle (use CSS)

<img src="URL" border=?>

Sets size of border surrounding image (use CSS)

<img src="URL" height=?>

Sets height of image, in pixels

<img src="URL" width=?>

Sets width of image, in pixels

<img src="URL" alt=?>

Sets the alternate text for browsers that can’t

process images (required by the ADA)


<form> </form>

Defines a form

<select multiple name=? size=?> </select>

Creates a scrolling menu. Size sets the number of

menu items visible before user needs to scroll.

<select name=?> </select>

Creates a pulldown menu


Sets off each menu item

<textarea name=? cols=”x” rows=”y”></textarea>

Creates a text box area. Columns set the width;

rows set the height.

<input type="checkbox" name=? value=?>

Creates a checkbox.

<input type="checkbox" name=? value=? checked>

Creates a checkbox which is pre-checked.

<input type="radio" name=? value=?>

Creates a radio button.

<input type="radio" name=? value=? checked>

Creates a radio button which is pre-checked.

<input type="text" name=? size=?>

Creates a one-line text area. Size sets length, in


<input type="submit" value=?>

Creates a submit button. Value sets the text in the

submit button.

<input type="image" name=? src=? border=? alt=?>

Creates a submit button using an image.

<input type=”reset”>

Creates a reset button

Tables (use only for data layout – use CSS for page layout) Table attributes (only use for email newsletters)

<table> </table>

Creates a table

<tr> </tr>

Sets off each row in a table

<td> </td>

Sets off each cell in a row

<th> </th>

Sets off the table header (a normal cell with bold,

centered text)

Table attributes (only use for email newsletters)

<table border=?>

Sets the width of the border around table cells

<table cellspacing=?>

Sets amount of space between table cells

<table cellpadding=?>

Sets amount of space between a cell’s border and

its contents

<table width=?>

Sets width of the table in pixels or as a percentage

<tr align=?>

Sets alignment for cells within the row


<td align=?>

Sets alignment for cells (left/center/right)

<tr valign=?>

Sets vertical alignment for cells within the row


<td valign=?>

Sets vertical alignment for cell (top/middle/bottom)

<td rowspan=?>

Sets number of rows a cell should span (default=1)

<td colspan=?>

Sets number of columns a cell should span

<td nowrap>

Prevents lines within a cell from being broken to fit

HTML5 input tag attributes

(not all browsers support; visit

 for details)

<input type="email" name=?>

 Sets a single-line textbox for email addresses

<input type="url" name=?>

 Sets a single-line textbox for URLs

<input type="number" name=?>

 Sets a single-line textbox for a number

<input type="range" name=?>

 Sets a single-line text box for a range of numbers

<input type="date/month/week/time" name=?>

 Sets a single-line text box with a calendar

 showing the date/month/week/time

<input type="search" name=?>

 Sets a single-line text box for searching

<input type="color" name=?>

 Sets a single-line text box for picking a color

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