Medium vs Quora Partner Program

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There are many such online platforms websites and resources that can help you earn money online, like freelancing ,own website ,affiliate marketing, virtual assistantship ,social media and online tutorial. now, here we can see about medium partnership programming to how to earn money online.

Medium partner program

Partner program writers based on how much time the medium members pin the time to read your content. so if you member in medium skin tone percentage of the time to reading your content ,you will receive 10 percentage of the revenue share .

However,you can also share friend link that guarantees that your friends, family and fans free access to the stories .past years, the medium paid to write is for how many members are there to read but now, how much time to take to read it.

Enrolling in the program:

If you want to join the medium partner program, see below proceeding:

  1. go to / creators and click join the partner program at the bottom of the page
  2. read and accept the partner program terms
  3. connect your bank account or debit card with your medium account by using the option relevant to you feel all the information on the strip
  4. create strip account finish


publishing on medium is a free and stories you publish may be distributed to your followers, as well as millions of teachers who follow topics related to this. your story is published only in one Publication at a time.

If you want to eagerly ready to publish? see below procedures,

  1. Open the story you want to submit
  2. Click the gear icon at the top the new story to enter the click the option button like this(…) in the top right corner of the page to open your story settings
  3. select add Publication
  4. choose Publication you intend to submit to other click save
  5. If your owner or auditor of the Publication then your story will be suddenly added to the publication read risk and your stories.
    If you are writer of the story than your Publication will immediately be added to the publication editor for review. They will have a chance to review draft. readers will not see your story in the publication until the submitted to the publication.

How much money medium writers earn :

Writers earns between $0 and about $9,000 month medium partner program. I can tell you that hose stats are relativity consistent from month to month and if anything they seem to be slowly climbing. starting is sometimes can’t offer first hand experience. However, the program page writers based on popularity of the work. So, if you want to make money your writing has to be something others want to read and more others and the better.

Each members $5 per month subscription is distributed proportionality to the stories the individual member engage with that month. In other words, you are paid paragraph on medium. more claps you receive more money your make. per clap translate into $5 for you

In medium, many of the people writing and they are earning very good profits after writing. For instance, one author say, he has been writing for medium partner programming since april of 2018.

Every month they send him an email that includes a few facts about the partner programming.he says this the exact breakdown of his journey in the partner programming. In the first paycheck amount, he received was $1.86, next he receives $8.83 and so on. When he started with the partner programming he was relatively new to the medium and he had maybe 100 followers or so. Now, he was verge cracking 1,000. His name is Matthew kent.

Next, there is a great writer on medium named Shannon Ashley, who is a single mom and actually started writing on medium after me, but is more consistent than he and just made $5k last month. She only has 5,000 followers decent money, if you are consistent.


while a partner program is a great incentive for people to publish on medium freelancer should not expect to get rich. By sign in the rights of the work over to medium, writers agree to a weighted cost per club system that does not always work in the favor

medium number pay $5 subscription fee every month, which is a cab for all of the claps. And additional drawback to using third-party sites like medium is that you lose. SEO juice that could otherwise go to your personal website you will still have work published with your name on it ,but it will be can the connection to your work that lives elsewhere. Past few years ago medium does not response for Indian writers it was it was one of the problem with Indian writers.

Medium paid for indian writers:

stripe is a US company allowing businesses to accept payments over the internet. It operates in 25 countries and powers 100,000+bussinesses. medium has a payment platform called to pay it for its writers. when you want to join in the medium partner program, it is available in 32 countries.

Of these 23 or developed countries user. Users in those Nations can use stripe for financial transactions. without any restrictions. India appears in a second list and anyone there on a stripes map of countries that active in. This seems to imply that the user can get a stripe account to invite on request.
This is not helpful for Indian writers to get into a medium partner program. Their payment partner, stripe does not support payment in India.

About good medium articles :

Boost recommends by at least 20 % by writing for 6 to 7 minutes read the time. And at least 40 % more recommends than writing for 5 minutes or less. The average time to read for the most recommended article was 7.3 minutes according to medium read them is based on the average reading speed of an adult ( roughly 275 wpm ).

In medium their best articles to read am articles in the medium is too interesting and ridiculous, logical, knowledgeable.

Better tips to optimize your content :

Not every medium articles you post will be a blockbuster. However, if you really believe your article should have done well, but it did not get rid and their hearts for whatever reason, you are absolutely can delete it and republished it. syncs your followers, post on regular schedule, Apply strong images, optimising medium in a nutshell.

This one is so simple whenever people engaged with your content, whether it is a recommendation or comment, follow them back, which will result in them Seeing a notification that you have followed them. There is a bit of randomness to success on medium. Some if to do with publishing at the right time when people are after creating a snowball of people recommending your post.

Quora partner program:

The quora partner programm is an invite only program that rewards people for the question they ask. They are specific terms and condition, etc. and you have to ask question that are beneficial to the quora community as a whole. As a partner, you get paid for your efforts. And then you can earn thousands of dollar per month.

How to get invite to Quora’s partner:

Tips for inviting into the quora partner programming.

  1. Ask questions regularly
  2. Provide good answers to show your invested in quora’s site
  3. Make legitmate profile – add a bio, name, profile, picture 4 be patience.
  4. some getting invites in a month or a year.

Why the quora partner programming only?By allowing everyone to sign up to it, quora’s moderates will have the harder job at filtering through all the junk questions will slowly go down. It also might be to limit resources in terms of paying users with more users asking question, there is more completion for the people involved in the program, which likely mean less money earned.

How to make money on quora partner program :

The money you are paid are based on the traffic you generate for quora, it is not based on the total number of question you ask. Remember, quora makes it’s money from ads placed on question get a % of the revenue from those pages if you’re in the partner programming.

When you have been invited to the quora partner programming you’ll be presented with a link to the partner’s dashboard.

Ask interesting questions directed towards users . Do keyword research , answer your own question , write a post about the question on, medium article rank good in google search engine. Ask more question. You will make money on quora will have less than 100 views.


Some Quora users are no different, using their accounts to respond to question in snary and unhelpful ways. They say that the partners are reinviting the site but do nothing to change It except to explain. Not only the snark unhelpful.


But it actuals violates quora rules to provide unserious answers not designed to answer the question but to bother the person to ask a question, it is top writers program. This program has been roundly criticized by member users who feel that the financial incentive has lead to the posting of questions of an inferior quality that have corrupted the original concept of the site.

Purpose of a quora’s partner:

Quora built an absolutely amazing question and answer site. It was full of intelligent questions with well – reasoned answers people loved it. It was a unique resource then they needed to make money.

They could not figure out a way to keep the site high quality and still make money, so they started screwing with the site. Paying for this.

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