Comparision of FatCow vs Avatar

FatCow vs. A Showdown of Domain Registrars

Here’s a detailed comparison of FatCow and
TLDs offeredWide varietyWider variety, including regional TLDs
Booking and RenewalUp to 5 yearsUp to 5 years
Pricing (1-year .com)$9.95$11.99
Pricing (5-year .com)$8.95/year$8.88/year
Premium DomainsYesYes
Bulk Domain RegistrationYesYes
Domain TransferYesYes
Domain Expiration ProtectionYesYes
SSL CertificatesYes (additional purchase)Yes (additional purchase)
Privacy ProtectionFree with most plansFree with most plans

Key Differences:

  • Pricing: FatCow generally has lower prices for common TLDs, especially for 1-year registrations. has a slight edge for 5-year .com registrations.
  • TLD Selection: offers a wider range of TLDs, including regional options.
  • Additional Services: Both offer web hosting, email, and website builder services, but’s options are more extensive.
  • User Interface: FatCow’s interface is considered more user-friendly and intuitive, while’s interface can feel a bit dated.
  • Customer Service: FatCow typically receives better customer service ratings compared to


Choose FatCow if:

  • You prioritize low prices for common TLDs, especially for short-term registrations.
  • You value a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • You have excellent customer service as a top priority.

Choose if:

  • You need a wider range of TLDs, including regional options.
  • You want the lowest possible price for 5-year .com registrations.
  • You require a broader range of additional services like web hosting, email, and website builder.


  • Compare prices for the specific TLDs and registration periods you need.
  • Read customer reviews to assess overall experience and customer service quality.
  • Consider your need for additional services, as bundling them with the same provider can sometimes save money.
  • Evaluate the user interface to ensure it aligns with your preferences.

Remember, the best choice depends on your individual needs and priorities. Both FatCow and offer reliable domain registration services, so compare carefully before making your decision!

I hope this detailed comparison helps you find the perfect domain registrar for your needs!

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