Hosting Review

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Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Florence, Italy, boasts over 28 years of experience as a Web hosting provider primarily serving the Italian market. They offer an array of solutions encompassing domain registration, shared, VPS, dedicated, and reseller hosting, along with unique Italian-specific services like PEC (certified email) and SPID (digital identity system). However, user reviews highlight potential drawbacks like limited international focus, mixed performance reports, and inconsistent support experiences. Let’s delve deeper into their strengths and weaknesses to help you determine if is the right hosting partner for your needs.


  • Domain Expertise: excels in domain registration, offering competitive pricing, a user-friendly interface, and valuable perks like free WHOIS privacy protection and domain management tools. They also support a wide range of TLDs, catering to diverse website and branding needs.
  • Unique Italian Services: provides services specifically tailored for the Italian market, including PEC (certified email) for legal and official communications, SPID (digital identity system) integration, and support for Italian regulations and data privacy laws. This makes them an ideal choice for businesses and individuals operating within Italy.
  • Feature-Rich Plans: Even their lower-tier shared hosting plans include valuable features like free SSL certificates, unlimited email accounts, and a website builder. Higher tiers offer additional perks like malware scanning, website backups, and security tools.
  • Good Uptime Record: boasts a reliable track record of uptime, ensuring your website remains accessible to visitors consistently. Independent uptime monitoring services report minimal downtime, making them a trustworthy choice for mission-critical websites.
  • Competitive Pricing: Compared to some international hosting providers, offers competitive pricing, especially for entry-level shared hosting plans and domain registration. This might be beneficial for budget-conscious individuals or small businesses starting out.


  • Limited International Focus: While offers some services in English, their primary focus is on the Italian market. This can be a drawback for users outside of Italy seeking international customer support or localized data centers.
  • Mixed Performance Reviews: User experiences regarding website loading times and overall performance are inconsistent. While some users report good speeds, others encounter frequent slowdowns and performance fluctuations. Independent speed tests reveal average results, suggesting potential room for improvement in network optimizations and server configurations.
  • Limited Advanced Features:’s lower-tier plans lack advanced features like automatic backups, server-side caching, and advanced security tools. These capabilities often require upgrades or separate add-ons, potentially increasing long-term costs.
  • Inconsistent Support Reviews: User experiences regarding support vary, with some praising their helpfulness and prompt resolution, while others report long wait times and difficulty getting complex issues resolved. The quality of support might not be consistently reliable across all channels.
  • Italian Focus for Documentation and Resources: Much of’s documentation, tutorials, and online resources are primarily in Italian. This can pose a challenge for non-Italian speaking users seeking guidance and troubleshooting assistance.

Speed:’s website loading times vary, with some users reporting good speeds and others experiencing frequent slowdowns. Independent speed tests reveal average results, suggesting potential room for improvement in network optimizations and server configurations. If top-notch speed is a critical priority, exploring other providers with stronger reputations in this area might be advisable, especially for users outside of Italy.

Price Details:

  • Shared Hosting: €1.99/month (promotional) to €11.99/month
  • VPS Hosting: €19.99/month to €79.99/month
  • Dedicated Servers: €59.99/month to €659.99/month

Best for:

  • Individuals and businesses in Italy:’s unique Italian-specific services like PEC and SPID, along with their competitive pricing and domain expertise, make them a strong choice for businesses and individuals operating within Italy.
  • Website owners needing basic shared hosting: If you have a simple website with moderate traffic and require a basic feature set,’s plans might be sufficient.
  • Users comfortable with Italian resources: English support is available, but much of their documentation and online resources are primarily in Italian. This might be suitable for users comfortable navigating content in Italian.

Support: offers support via phone, live chat, and email. However, user experiences regarding support quality and resolution consistency vary. Be prepared for potential language barriers or longer wait times depending on your issue and chosen support channel.

Conclusion: offers a unique proposition with its Italian-specific services, competitive pricing, and domain expertise. However, their limited international

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